
Trying out facebook api and login is not working as expected. I've copied the code on there getting started page here I have tried the example on there page here

my test app is here http://fbauth.parseapp.com/

Upon loading the page and logging in all i get is the following

App Not Setup: The developers of this app have not set up this app properly for Facebook Login.

Have set a site url and domain url on app settings to parseapp.com Also tried setting the app public in status and review tab in app settings.

what else am i missing??

Have you added a Platform on the settings page for the app on developers.facebook.com/app/[yourappid]?WizKid

1 Answers


Check whether your app is available to general public or not.

To do this,

  1. Open https://developers.facebook.com

  2. Open Apps -> select you App

  3. Click on Status & Review

  4. Select the below flag as YES

Do you want to make this app and all its live features available to the general public?

then save. That's it. Problem solved.