I want to run the following sample code in Eclipse EE, NOT STS.
The guide is ehre: https://spring.io/guides/gs/rest-service/ Direct link to code is ehre: https://github.com/spring-guides/gs-rest-service/archive/master.zip
The following are the steps I am taking:
1) Extract gs-rest-service-master and copy the directory named "complete" into the worspace directory. 2) Using eclipse, "Import Existing Maven Projects" and select the "complete" directory.
The project looks messed up as there is no "Maven Dependencies" despite right clicking and doing a "Maven Install" results in success...
3) I try making it into a faceted Dynamic Web Project 3.0 with Java 1.7.
There are errors with Application.java and GreetingController.java,
The import org.springframework cannot be resolved
Ideally I want to be able to run this in Tomcat, but I have no idea whats causing these errors. In "STS" it is very straightforward to get going, but I want to run in standard eclipse (EE) and not use STS.
What is the proper steps to take? I have been trying out enabling and disabling things but they all appear to have no effect. I dont understand why even the "Maven Dependencies" that are supposedly downloaded dont even show up.
How to have this project work with Tomcat?