
How to run the following Tutorial code in eclipse?


The guide talks about a built in server, but what if I want to "Run on Server" so that it uses Tomcat 7 to run? I am running Kepler SR 2 J2EE.

Create a new Tomcat instance and run it on there.Sotirios Delimanolis

2 Answers


The examples use STS which has a built in server.

For Eclipse, you'll want to create a Tomcat instance. Here are some simple steps to follow.

  1. Right click in your servers window and select New -> Server

    enter image description here

  2. Select Apache -> Tomcat7 -> Next

    enter image description here

  3. Browse to your Tomcat directory and select it -> OK

    enter image description here

  4. The next dialog you can add application. Click finish, and you should see your new Tomcat instance in the Servers window

    enter image description here


It's not a web project, so you can't "run on server". There's a main() method though so you can "run as java application".