Hi i have this sceneario, i have 2 forms each of them with preprendId=false, the first one have a h:panelGroup that i want to update from the second h:form. The problem that i have is that i dont know what String i have to put for update my panelGroup. I tried with this strings:
panelGroupComboId and :panelGroupComboId
But i always get: Cannot find component with expression ":panelGroupComboId" referenced from...
Because i need to use preprendId=false at least in the first form (where my panelGroup is) i cannot set preprendIf=true, but if i did it i could update my component with any problem using: :loginFormRegistroId:panelGroupComboId
But remember i NEED to use preprendId= false, when i use preprendId=false i can see using firebug that my h:panelGroup is converted as a div with the id panelGroupComboId, then thats why i dont how do i have to call for update it.
Is preprendId=true the only way to this works?
<h:form id="loginFormRegistroId" prependId="false">
<h:panelGroup id="panelGroupComboId" layout="block">
<select id="comboCarreraId" name="comboCarreraId" class="form-control">
<ui:repeat value="#{miBean.list}" var="obj">
<option value="#{obj.id}">#{obj.name}</option>
<h:form prependId="false">
By the way i DONT want to update the entire first FORM, just my h:panelGroup
is one of the worst additions to JSF 1.2 They should never have added it. Get rid of it. It really solves nothing unsolvable and creates only new problems. – BalusC