I have two problems which are closely related:
- I need to update a form inside a tag inside ui:repeat from a dialog at the main page and cannot figure out how (because there are many tags in the ui:repeat and I need to update only one)
- naming containers are messed up and lose their "index" when I use id in that form (in case of trying to determine the update path expression...)
reason I need this: updating the 'wholelist' (current situation) breaks all <p:calendar>
inside the <p:dialog>
somehow (no errors...) (the calendar overlay shows at the first time, but after updating the list it does not appear any more (must reload page again). Also I don't want to update 100 elements each time if only one can be changed
<h:panelGroup id="wholelist">
<ui:repeat var="entry" value="#{bean.foundEntries}" id="repeatId">
<customTag:someTag entry="#{entry}" />
<p:dialog widgetVar="dialog" id="dialog">
<p:calendar value="#{bean.date}" ... /> <!-- overlay pops up on select until the whole list is refreshed. after that it does not appear until page reload -->
<p:commandButton actionlistener="#{bean.saveSomething()}" update="#{bean.componentToUpdate WHICH DOES NOT WORK...}"/>
and within the <customTag:someTag>
(which is a tag because of multiple reuses) :
... display a lot of data which can be changed by the dialog...
<p:commandButton value="show edit dialog" onComplete="PF('dialog').show()" update=":dialog">
<f:setPropertyActionListener value="??? (@form does not work)" target="#{bean.componentToUpdate}" />
First Question:
I need to refresh one single form from the dialog (=the dialog which needs to know which form I want to refresh, and I have no idea how to do so...)
And how can I get the update-logic working (pass the component to update to the bean so the dialog knows what to update or equal)?
Second Question:
why does JSF generate in case of not defining a id="..." to a naming container within a ui:repeat something like
- repeatId:0:j_id_c0_6
- repeatId:1:j_id_c0_6
- repeatId:2:j_id_c0_6
and when I define a id to the form (<h:form id="formname">
) something like
- repeatId:formname
- repeatId:formname
- repeatId:formname
which causes duplicateId (because the lack of the "iterator-number" in the name)?
Does this make sense?