Just saw a lot of questions envolving "update", "@all", "@form", but no one solved a situation here in my application.
I got a custom JSF tag called threadList with:
<p:commandButton action="#{Bean.action(catId, id)}" icon="ui-icon-weblibrary ui-icon-weblibrary-like" title="Start" update="@form" value="#{Bean.threadName}" />
This custom tag is inserted by another custom tag like this:
<ui:repeat value="#{Bean.threadList}" var="thread">
<ui:include src="threadList.xhtml">
<ui:param name="catId" value="..." />
<ui:param name="id" value="..." />
Sometimes this can be a result of an update in the second taglib and via ajax.
And here's the thing...
- When I set update="@form" in the p:commandButton everything works fine but in my log I see a "Cannot find component with identifier "j_idt70:0:j_idt82" in view.";
- When I set update=":@form" or update=":form" the "Cannot find component with identifier "j_idt70:0:j_idt82" in view." disappears, but the event doesn't update anything (even if the action runs with success);
- Finally, when I give form and panelGroup an id and try update=":formId:panelId" or update=":@formId:panelId" or update=":formId" the message "Cannot find component with identifier "j_idt70:0:j_idt82" in view." appears and nothing is uptade.
The curious is that there's no in browser's source code. So, I don't know if this "ghost" j_idt70 is corrupting all the ids and update commands.
I tried all the things I learned in old questions in stack overflow before asking you again about this.
Thanks a lot for reading and the attention.