Obviously way too late, but in case you're already using publish-over-ssh
, want to avoid duplicating the credentials and have a shared library you can use this piece of groovy to obtain the host configuration:
import jenkins.plugins.publish_over_ssh.*
def getSSHHost(name) {
def found = null
it.hostConfigurations.each{host ->
if (host.name == name) {
found = host
As mentioned, this either requires a Global Shared Library (so that your code is trusted) or (probably) a number of admin approvals, sorry for that.
This returns a BapSshHostConfiguration.
For a password connection you can do:
def sshHost = getSSHHost('Configuration Name')
def host = [host: sshHost.hostname, user: sshHost.username, password: sshHost.password]
sshHost = null
set +x
sshpass -p "${host.password}" scp -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no ${host.user}@${host.host}:filename.extension .
set -x
This copies the file to your local work directory.
Probably not the best code ever, but I'm not a groovy specialist. It works and that is enough for me. (the set +x
is to avoid it echoing the command in the log, showing the password). Getting rid of anything Non-CPS (sshHost = null
) before you perform a CPS call saves you a lot of headaches :)
Since it took me quite a while to figure out I wanted to share this for whoever comes next.
Archive Artifacts
step? It would keep the logs associated with the build on the Jenkins server. – gaige