(Boosting useful information from comments into an answer.)
Standalone vs In-Class declaration
Two syntactically different ways to declare a type family and/or data family, that are semantically equivalent:
type family Foo
data family Bar
or as part of a typeclass:
class C where
type Foo
data Bar
both declare a type family, but inside a typeclass the family
part is implied by the class
context, so GHC/Haskell abbreviates the declaration.
"New type" vs "Type Synonym" / "Type Alias"
data family F
creates a new type, similar to how data F = ...
creates a new type.
type family F
does not create a new type, similar to how type F = Bar Baz
doesn't create a new type (it just creates an alias/synonym to an existing type).
Example of non-injectivity of type family
An example (slightly modified) from Data.MonoTraversable.Element
import Data.ByteString as S
import Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
-- Declare a family of type synonyms, called `Element`
-- `Element` has kind `* -> *`; it takes one parameter, which we call `container`
type family Element container
-- ByteString is a container for Word8, so...
-- The Element of a `S.ByteString` is a `Word8`
type instance Element S.ByteString = Word8
-- and the Element of a `L.ByteString` is also `Word8`
type instance Element L.ByteString = Word8
In a type family, the right-side of equations Word8
names an existing type; the things are the left-side creates new synonyms: Element S.ByteString
and Element L.ByteString
Having a synonym means we can interchange Element Data.ByteString
with Word8
-- `w` is a Word8....
>let w = 0::Word8
-- ... and also an `Element L.ByteString`
>:t w :: Element L.ByteString
w :: Element L.ByteString :: Word8
-- ... and also an `Element S.ByteString`
>:t w :: Element S.ByteString
w :: Element S.ByteString :: Word8
-- but not an `Int`
>:t w :: Int
Couldn't match expected type `Int' with actual type `Word8'
These type synonyms are "non-injective" ("one-way"), and therefore non-invertible.
-- As before, `Word8` matches `Element L.ByteString` ...
>(0::Word8)::(Element L.ByteString)
-- .. but GHC can't infer which `a` is the `Element` of (`L.ByteString` or `S.ByteString` ?):
>(w)::(Element a)
Couldn't match expected type `Element a'
with actual type `Element a0'
NB: `Element' is a type function, and may not be injective
The type variable `a0' is ambiguous
Worse, GHC can't even solve non-ambiguous cases!:
type instance Element Int = Bool
> True::(Element a)
> NB: `Element' is a type function, and may not be injective
Note the use of "may not be"! I think GHC is being conservative, and refusing to check whether the Element
truly is injective. (Perhaps because a programmer could add another type instance
later, after importing a pre-compiled module, adding ambiguity.
Example of injectivity of data family
In contrast: In a data family, each right-hand side contains a unique constructor , so the definitions are injective ("reversible") equations.
-- Declare a list-like data family
data family XList a
-- Declare a list-like instance for Char
data instance XList Char = XCons Char (XList Char) | XNil
-- Declare a number-like instance for ()
data instance XList () = XListUnit Int
-- ERROR: "Multiple declarations of `XListUnit'"
data instance XList () = XListUnit Bool
-- (Note: GHCI accepts this; the new declaration just replaces the previous one.)
With data family
, seeing the constructor name on the right (XCons
, or XListUnit
is enough to let the type-inferencer know we must be working with XList ()
not an XList Char
. Since constructor names are unique, these defintions are injective/reversible.
If type
"just" declares a synonym, why is it semantically useful?
Usually, type
synonyms are just abbreviations, but type
family synonyms have added power: They can make a simple type (kind *
) become a synonym of a "type with kind * -> *
applied to an argument":
type instance F A = B
makes B
match F a
. This is used, for example, in Data.MonoTraversable
to make a simple type Word8
match functions of the type Element a -> a
is defined above).
For example, (a bit silly), suppose we have a version of const
that only works with "related" types:
> class Const a where constE :: (Element a) -> a -> (Element a)
> instance Const S.ByteString where constE = const
> constE (0::Word8) undefined
ERROR: Couldn't match expected type `Word8' with actual type `Element a0'
-- By providing a match `a = S.ByteString`, `Word8` matches `(Element S.ByteString)`
> constE (0::Word8) (undefined::S.ByteString)
-- impossible, since `Char` cannot match `Element a` under our current definitions.
> constE 'x' undefined