So I have a function apply :: proxy tf -> tf Int -> tf Int
which takes a Proxy intended to carry a type family and applies Int to that type family to determine the type of the second argument and return value.
However, I'm getting some confusing responses from GHC.
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
import Data.Proxy
type family F (a :: *) :: * where
F Int = ()
f :: Proxy F
f = Proxy
apply :: proxy tf -> tf Int -> tf Int
apply _ x = x
-- Doesn't typecheck.
test1 :: ()
test1 = apply f ()
-- Typechecks fine
test2 :: ()
test2 = let g = apply f in g ()
refuses to compile with GHC spitting out this error:
Couldn't match expected type ‘()’ with actual type ‘F Int’
In the expression: apply f ()
In an equation for ‘test1’: test1 = apply f ()
Couldn't match expected type ‘F Int’ with actual type ‘()’
In the second argument of ‘apply’, namely ‘()’
In the expression: apply f ()
Confusingly, commenting out test1
and using a let binding in test2
makes GHC happy and everything compiles fine. Can anyone explain what's going on here?