
I've got a "linear" type family, i.e. of the form

type family Foo a
type instance Foo T1 = T2
type instance Foo T2 = T3
type instance Foo T9 = T10

In my particualr use-case, it is very convenient to define the "reverse" family FooRev and then enforce the constraint (FooRev (Foo x) ~ x):

type family FooRev a
type instance FooRev T10 = T9
type instance FooRev T9 = T8
type instance FooRev T2 = T1

The reverse family allows GHC to infer many types that would otherwise be ambiguous due to non-injectivity. It is essentially the same idea that was proposed here. This solution works pretty well, but it is annoying, programatic, and error-prone to have to define a "reverse" type family by listing out all the cases. Is there a more generic way to define the reverse of a linear family such as Foo?

Maybe you could use data families instead somehow, which are known injective. Not sure if it fits your problem.luqui
Metaprogramming (i.e. Template Haskell) might generate both, keeping your code DRY if that's your concern. Otherwise, you could define a type-level association list, a type level lookup, a type level map swap, and derive both type families from the list.chi
@luqui I just saw that before posting, but as far as I know, that's not really what I need. In my case, the Ti are all type Bar a b c where the type parameters change. That won't fit into a data family, will it?crockeea
@chi Perhaps you could demonstrate one of those ideas?crockeea

2 Answers


I think FunctionalDependencies should be the best solution for your case:

{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, FunctionalDependencies #-}

class Foo a b | a -> b, b -> a
instance Foo T1 T2
instance Foo T2 T3

Now each b can be inferred from an a and vice versa.


I decided to give @chi's idea try, and but I came up with something a little simpler in the end.

{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators, DataKinds, TypeFamilies #-}

type family NextElt (a :: *) (xs :: [*]) where
  NextElt a (a ': b ': cs) = b
  NextElt a (b ': c ': cs) = NextElt a (c ': cs)

type family PrevElt (a :: *) (xs :: [*]) :: * where
  PrevElt a (b ': a ': xs) = b
  PrevElt a (b ': c ': xs) = PrevElt a (c ': xs)

data T1
data T2
data T3
type TSeq = '[T1, T2, T3]

type NextRp a = NextElt a TSeq
type PrevRp a = PrevElt a TSeq

Using a type list to represent the linear sequence of types allows me to express the relationship without writing each type twice (which is necessary using type family instances or instances of a class). The type families above uses a sliding-window approach to search for an element in a list with a previous or next element. These type families are generic (and can be extended to work for non-* kinds using Data.Type.Equality.)