
I'm building an ember application with a RESTAdapter to access my data in an api. I'm using the latest version of ember-data from https://github.com/emberjs/data/downloads.

This is how I'm declaring my RESTAdatpter-

App.ApplicationAdapter = DS.RESTAdapter.extend({
    host: 'http://example.com'

but I dont think it's declared correctly as the ember inspector in the browser says that it cannot detect an adapter. Where am I going wrong?

Any other code available? Do you see API calls in you console going to example.com or another address (e.g. localhost)?claptimes
it's going to localhost!bookthief
Can you post any other initialization code?claptimes
Anything in particular? I dont have any other js which refer to the adapter/ server name.bookthief
I think I had the same issue at the beginning and found an answer somewhere that worked. Try reopening the adapter using DS.RESTAdapter.reopen({ // same options as above })claptimes

2 Answers


I had the same issue and was able to get it to work using the following:

  host: 'http://example.com'

I'm not sure if the guides need to be updated or if there's a different way to accomplish this.


It worked when I changed the ember data version to 1.0.0-beta.