I'm trying to build a simple ember application (filebrowser) using an AMD approach (yes i know about @tomdale's views on AMD) based on https://github.com/fernandogmar/Emberjs-RequireJS, which seems to work nicely except I'm getting a weird request URL when trying to use this DS.Model:
App.File = DS.Model.extend({
primaryKey: "URI",
url: "file",
URI: DS.attr("string")
Called with:
window.App.DataStore.find(File, encodeURIComponent("/"));
(Unrelated question: is there any way to get the datastore from within a router or controller with get()? Router.get("DataStore")
returns undefined.)
Using the standard unmodified RESTAdapter. Results in the following request URL:
I can't figure out what causes this. Presumable the 's' at the end is the adapter trying to pluralize the model name. I don't have a clue where the paren comes from.
Ember version: v1.0.0-pre.2-123-ga352c48
Ember-data version: latest downloaded from https://github.com/emberjs/data/downloads yesterday (can't find a version number anywhere).
Could this be related to the AMD approach or is this an unrelated issue, and most importantly: how do i fix it?
Thanks for your time.