I'm using EmberJs and Ember-Data in a Google App Engine project which uses NDB. In the database I have Host, Probe and Check entities. The database model doesn't really matter as long as I have my REST api in order but for clarity here are my database Classes:
class Host(ndb.Model):
hostName = ndb.StringProperty()
hostKey = ndb.Key('Host', 'SomeHostId')
class Probe(ndb.Model):
checkName = ndb.StringProperty()
probeKey = ndb.Key('Host', 'SomeHostId', 'Probe', 'SomeProbeId')
class Check(ndb.Model):
checkName = ndb.StringProperty()
checkKey = ndb.Key('Host', 'SomeHostId', 'Probe', 'SomeProbeId', 'Check', 'SomeCheckId')
I've added the keys in order to show that each host has some probes running on them and each probe performs some checks.
- Host
- Probe
- Check
- Probe
In my App.Js I have defined the following models:
App.Host = DS.Model.extend({
hostName: DS.attr('string')
probes: DS.hasMany('probe',{async:true})
App.Probe = DS.Model.extend({
host: DS.belongsTo('host'),
probeName: DS.attr('string')
checks: DS.hasMany('check',{async:true})
App.Check = DS.Model.extend({
probe: DS.belongsTo('probe'),
hostName: DS.attr('string')
I have defined the following router:
App.Router.map(function() {
this.resource('hosts', function(){
this.resource('host', { path:':host_id'}, function(){
this.resource('probes', function(){
this.resource('probe', { path:':probe_id'}, function(){
this.resource('checks', function(){
this.resource('check', { path:':check_id'}, function(){
And in AppEngine if have built the following URL paths:
app = webapp2.WSGIApplication([
('/', MainHandler),
webapp2.Route('/hosts', HostsHandler),
webapp2.Route('/hosts/<hostId>/', HostHandler),
webapp2.Route('/hosts/<hostId>/probes', ProbesHandler),
webapp2.Route('/hosts/<hostId>/probes/<probeId>/checks', ChecksHandler),
webapp2.Route('/hosts/<hostId>/probes/<probeId>/checks/<checkId>/', CheckHandler)
http://example.com/hosts returns:
"hosts": [
"hostName": "SomeHostName1",
"id": "SomeHostId1"
"hostName": "SomeHostName2",
"id": "SomeHostId2"
http://example.com/hosts/SomeHostId1/probes returns:
"probes": [
"probeName": "SomeProbeName1",
"id": "SomeProbeId1",
"host_id": "SomeHostId1"
"probeName": "SomeProbeName2",
"id": "SomeProbeId2",
"host_id": "SomeHostId1"
http://example.com/hosts/SomeHostId1/probes/SomeProbeId1/checks returns:
"checks": [
"checkName": "SomeCheckName1",
"id": "SomeCheckId1",
"probe_id": "SomeProbeId1"
"checkName": "SomeCheckName2",
"id": "SomeCheckId2",
"probe_id": "SomeProbeId1"
My templates are:
<script type="text/x-handlebars" id="host">
{{#link-to 'probes' probes}}probes{{/link-to}}
<script type="text/x-handlebars" id="probes">
{{#each probe in probes}}
Probe: {{probe.probeName}}
{{#link-to 'checks' probe.checks}}checks{{/link-to}}
<script type="text/x-handlebars" id="checks">
{{#each check in checks}}
Check: {{check.checkName}}
Now I have all this... but no clue how to tie it up together so that Ember-Data makes the right http requests. So far I've only seen request go to http://example.com/modelName/