I'm new to Ember, and am having a problem I'm not seeing duplicated anywhere else so I'm sure I'm doing something silly. I have these models:
App.User = DS.Model.extend({
username: DS.attr("string"),
userId: DS.attr("number"),
modules: DS.hasMany("App.Module")
App.Module = DS.Model.extend({
moduleId: DS.attr("number"),
name: DS.attr("string")
Note that my Module model is simply a container that a User can have a few of, and many users might share the same modules - they're actually represented by an Enum on the server. As such, the backend does not have a mapping of Module > Users, so I've left the DS.ownedBy or DS.hasMany out of App.Module. I have, however, tried my test with a "users: DS.hasMany('App.User')" in there as well, with the same result. If it turns out to be necessary, I could maintain such a mapping, but I have no other reason for doing so right now, so it would be a bit unfortunate to be forced to add such a table to my database.
I'm using Ember.Auth for authentication, and when my app loads up and I log in, the server requests (as expected):
The result is also as I think it should be, according to the ember data docs:
"user": {
"username": "nathan",
"user_id": 1,
"module_ids": [1,2]
"modules": [
{"module_id": 1, "name": "Account Settings"},
{"module_id": 2, "name": "Manage Websites"}
I'm then testing in the Chrome console with:
and in both cases, Ember makes a request to my server to get the data for Modules 1 and 2. If I repeat the same request, it doesn't go back to the server again, so it is storing the result properly that time, it's simply the sideload that it's ignoring.
I'm using ember-1.0.0-rc4 with ember-data-0.13.