
I use the following code to flip the shape. When I flip along x or y, it appears that shape is flipped.

b2FixtureDef fixd = fix->fixture;
const b2Shape *shape = fixd.shape;
if(shape->GetType()== b2Shape::e_polygon && flip)
        b2PolygonShape* ps = (b2PolygonShape*)shape;
        for(int i=0;i<ps->m_vertexCount;i++)
            ps->m_vertices[i].x *= -1;
            //ps->m_vertices[i].y *= -1; // causing assert later

        // revert the vertices
        b2Vec2* reVert = new b2Vec2[ps->m_vertexCount];
        int j = ps->m_vertexCount -1;
        for(int i=0; i<ps->m_vertexCount;i++)
            reVert[i] = ps->m_vertices[j--];

        ps->Set(&reVert[0], ps->m_vertexCount);
        body->CreateFixture(ps, 1.0f);

But if I flip x and y together I get an assertion b2PolygonShape.cpp, because area is negative.

// Centroid
b2Assert(area > b2_epsilon);

I'm not sure how else to flip both x and y. I need to mirror the shape and Box2D forum says

To mirror a polygon, mirror every vertex, then reverse the order of the vertices. I'm already considering adding a method for this.

Did you come up with some kind of class / library / code so that anyone can use it, without having to reinvent the wheel ?....Rahul Iyer

2 Answers


If you flip across both the x and y axes, then you don't need to reverse the order of the vertices.

Think of it this way... If you flip across both axes, then you're basically flipping across the x axis and then the y axis. If you reverse the vertices each time you flip across an axis, you've reversed the vertices twice, and you end up with the same order you started out with.


Previous to version 2.3.0, Box2d requires a counter-clockwise winding order for all vertices.

When you mirror the vertices, you are reversing the order of the winding.

I believe this has been corrected in 2.3.0 (see here). So I believe you can either (1) reverse the order after you mirror them or (2) upgrade to the latest version of Box2d.

For option 1, for example, I had previously created a square using a polyshape (for this project)

   // Main Box

The vertices are in order of (1,1), (-1,1), (-1,-1), (1,-1). Or: Top Right, Top Left, Bottom Left, Bottom Right.

This is counterclockwise order.

If you mirror these, you get: Top Left, Top Right, Bottom Right, Bottom Left

This is clockwise order.

If you reverse them, you get:

Bottom Left, Bottom Right, Top Right, Top Left

Which I believe is clockwise again. I believe (but I'm not certain...not enough coffee yet) that this will work for any convex polygon.

NOTE I used a std::vector for vertices. You can reverse it using this.

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