
The cssrewrite filter produces wrong urls after the rewrite: i have my bundle which contains one .less file located in Resources/public/less/common.less

I also have one image,located in Resources/public/images/colorfulbg.jpg

i run from the command line :

php app/console assets:install web --symlink

which produces in the web directory the correct public structure:

      |  +--common.less

in my template i have the following:

{% stylesheets 'bundles/mybundle/less/*' filter='cssrewrite,less' %}
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ asset_url }}" type="text/css" />
{% endstylesheets %}

That folder just contains one .less file , which is simply:

@bg: #f4f4f4;
  background-image: @bg url(../images/colorfulbg.jpg);

There is something wrong, since the rewrited background path is:


and therefore the background is not applied

What am i doing wrong?

I am using symfony 2.3 and assetic bundle 2.3 Thank you

i don't think i understand what do you mean...Stormsson
What happens if you simply use background-image: @bg url(images/colorfulbg.jpg);?nietonfir
the url is rewritten from: url(../../bundles/timerbase/images/colorfulbg.jpg); to url(../../bundles/timerbase/less/images/colorfulbg.jpg); i would expect something like (../images/colorfulbg.jpg)Stormsson
Well, that's that then. ;-) Personally I had my share with SASS on assetic and the conclusion was that you just don't want to do that. Hope you have more luck!nietonfir
so, what is the solution?Vincent Guyard

3 Answers


I had the same problem when specifying write_to option for assetic (suppose, I wanted my styles output into web/assets/css/styles.css):

    write_to:       '%kernel.root_dir%/../web/assets'

            output: 'css/styles.css'
                - 'bundles/mybundle/css/styles.css'

I could not find a better solution rather then not specifying anything else than web/ folder for write_to option (or not specifying it at all). However, you can still use subfolders for every separate asset:

    write_to:       '%kernel.root_dir%/../web'

            output: 'assets/css/styles.css'
                - 'bundles/mybundle/css/styles.css'

P.S. In both of upper cases styles will be in web/assets/css/styles.css, but in first case csrewrite will give incorrect paths, while the second one will work fine.


Your using the wrong type of definitions to your assets in your template, see the following ( note the @ prefix ). Also in your css you have to go relatively down from your Bundle/Resources/public/less folder. So it's not /bundles/ or ../bundles but most likely ../images/.

    {% stylesheets filter='less,cssembed,?yui_css' output='css/final.css'
    <link href="{{ asset_url }}" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" media="screen" />
    {% endstylesheets %}


Given the above, one of my projects is in the same kind of setup, it's just still on 2.2 but i don't think that would matter, I just gave it a try removing these lines from my .less

    & > a {
    background:transparent url('../images/btn-big-gray.png') repeat-x;

Images gone after

    xxx michael [master] $ app/console assetic:dump --env=dev

I restore the line and after kicking assetic again they're back... I think the dis recommendation doesn't count for the fact LESS is involved?


This is a common problem, I suggest you to not use cssrewrite filter and use urls with / at the beginning


Of course this approach has a drawback that website must be installed in a root directory for domain but to be honest I haven't seen Symfony project installed in sub directory.