This should be simple, but it doesn't appear to be documented anywhere.
I need to include some misc downloads and videos in a project. Best practice seems to be including these files in my bundle/Resources/public/ folder, such as bundle/Resources/public/downloads/
Assetic is great for dealing with images, css and js files...but for these misc files, I'm not sure what to do.
If I put them in the public subfolder of my bundles folder, and run app/console assets:install --symlink, i can see that it is linked to from my /web/bundles folder...but if I add a link to it like this:
{{ asset('downloads/') }}
it doesn't work, even though it sounds like it should as described here: Difference between assetic:dump and assets:install
Am I supposed to do a link like this?:
{{ asset('bundles/mybundle/downloads/') }}
or am I doing something else wrong?
Thank you!