I'm new in symfony 2 and Assetic. I'd like use assetic and Sass for my CSS. I use Custom Fonts. I create in my bundle under Resources the folder "assets/css" and inside I have _base.scss and main.scss. In my public folder I have:
- css
- fonts
- images
- js
In fonts I have my custom fonts.
In my SCSS I retrive my fonts and my images like this:
@include font-face("billabongregular", font-files("/bundles/Mybundle/fonts/billabong-webfont.ttf"));
background: $bg_header url("/bundles/Mybundle/images/darkGreyBackground.jpg") fixed no-repeat top center;
I have this path after assets:install, and I have my file under web/mybundle/fonts and web/mybundle/images
When I do php app/console assetic:dump --env=prod --no-debug
I have in my web:
- css
- js (folder in public)
But I haven't Fonts folder and images folders. If IO see the source code in images I have this path /bundles/Mybundle/images/darkGreyBackground.jpg
Why I haven't all folder in web? Is it right call my images and my fonts with /bundles/Mybundle/images/darkGreyBackground.jpg and /bundles/Mybundle/fonts/billabong-webfont.ttf?