Does anyone know what the @command name is for the Reply and Reply to all for lotus notes. I would really like to define a shortcut key for these two and I need to know the command name for this.
Can anyone help out??
The short answer is:
@Command([Compose];"Reply With History")
However, there are different formats and styles for replying. If you open your mail database or the mail template (eg: mail8.ntf) in Domino Designer and look in the Actions section under Shared Code, you can see the @commands which IBM uses. For example, for the standard Reply with History action button, you can use the following code:
path :=@ReplaceSubstring(@ReplaceSubstring(@Subset(@DbName; -1); "\\"; "/");" ";"+") ;
Format:=@GetProfileField("CalendarProfile"; "FormatReplies");
@If(Format="1";@URLOpen("/" + path + "/Reply+With+History?OpenForm&ParentUNID=" +
@Replace(@Text(@DocumentUniqueID); ":";
"" )+"&Format="+Formatchar);@Command([Compose];"Reply With History"))