
This is my first time working with Lotus notes so I only know how to use it. I am also a developer so I know a bit about databases. Currently I receive requests for adding users to AD accounts or disabling users from AD or even modifying their attributes in AD. These requests come to me through Lotus Notes. I was wondering that Lotus Notes has to have some sort of database so could I possible get access to these ESM requests through their databse? So what I am saying is, can I access these ESM requests directly through database and not Lotus Notes?

EDIT: I have worked wiht PHP/mySQL before so my goal here is to treat Lotus Note's database like an SQL database so I can query it through some script to generate csv versions of the requests. Because of my lack of experience with Lotus Notes or its database I don't know whether I can access or query the Lotus notes database like I do wiht PHP/mySQL.

This is a very general question. Yes, Lotus Notes has "some sort of database". It's not a relational database, but there is a way to access it via SQL, although there are other ways that are better for the majority of use cases. You've not told us how you get these "ESM requests". (You haven't even told us what an "ESM request" is! That's not a term that Notes programmers deal with.) Do you receive them in Lotus Notes mail messages? Do you open a special application in your Lotus Notes client?Richard Schwartz
Not to offend you, but why would you want to convert it to CSV?David Navarre

1 Answers


You can find information about the NotesSQL driver here. It may or may not be all that you need for this project -- but given the lack of detail in your question (see my comment above), it's hard to say.

If you want to learn a bit more about Lotus Notes development, so you at least know the necessary basic concepts before you try to dive into this project, you might want to start by installing Domino Designer and going through some of the basic help info that you find there. There are also a number of good books that cover it, and there's also some free introductory online courseware (third party) for first-time Notes developers. An older book -- geared toward Java programming for Lotus Notes, and dated on a lot of details -- but still with a lot of very good basic concept information, was posted online by the author here.