Let's the spreadsheet has two columns. J contains values and K contains sum of all "previous" and current values in J.
I set K0 to =SUM(J$0:J0) and drag it every time new row is added to J, so
K1 becomes =SUM(J$0:J1),
K2 becomes =SUM(J$0:J2), etc.
It works well and I am just wondering whether I can avoid doing it manually by replacing K by some array formula?
I tried something like=arrayformula(if(J:J,SUM(J$0:J),""))
- it returns same value for all the rows = sum of all the values
and I tried "indirect":=arrayformula(if(J:J,SUM(J$0:indirect("J"&ROW(J0:J))),""))
- it returns same value for all the rows = first value - it seems that indirect calculated only once at the beginning
1 Answers
Thanks to Kishan for magic answer https://productforums.google.com/forum/#!msg/docs/y_giF0ziQr8/ev213r72OKQJ
Try the following formula in Cell K1: