I have this table and I want B1 and B2 to display the sum where D1, F1 and H1, and D2, F2 and H2 are bigger than 0, respectively. I will be inserting two columns to the left of C on a regular basis, and I don't want the column references in the formula to be updated when the columns are shifted, but if B2 becomes B3 when a row is added above it, I will need the formula to be updated for the row and check the values in D3, F3 and H3, or if I add rows below it, I want to be able to drag down and get the formula copied with incremental row values. I tried INDIRECT with and without &CELL("address", E2) but I couldn't get it to work as I wanted it.
A B (Sum) C D E F G H
1 Josh 3 Some number 6 Some number 4 Some number 3
2 Fiona 2 Some number 1 Some number 0 Some number 4
. I'm thinking it should be possible throughQUERY
too. – JvdV