
I use the INIDRECT function in Google Spreadsheet to retrieve a defined cell range via the INDEX function. The formula in german declaration looks like this:


All worked fine since a year and now it doens't work anymore. If I use the INDIRECT formula only it shows me the following error:

Parameter 1 of the function INDIRECT uses the value: "projects_GBP" This is no valid range value.

If I specify the range value "projects_GBP" without INDIRECT function it will find the value.

Was there a change in the INDIRECT formula or why does my formula no longer work?

Please use English names of spreadsheet functions and don't mix Excel related tags for questions about Google Sheets unless the question involves interactions between both apps like converting a file from one format to another.Rubén

1 Answers


Out of nowhere it works again like a charm. Nothing has been changed. Seems like it was/is an error from google.