How can I hide the Windows taskbar when I run my C# WinForms application?
I tried some code, but it opens in maximized view with the taskbar.
Do you have any sample code or suggestions?
Just add this class into your project .it works as you expected.
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
public class Taskbar
private static extern int FindWindow(string className, string windowText);
private static extern int ShowWindow(int hwnd, int command);
public static extern int FindWindowEx(int parentHandle, int childAfter, string className, int windowTitle);
private static extern int GetDesktopWindow();
private const int SW_HIDE = 0;
private const int SW_SHOW = 1;
protected static int Handle
return FindWindow("Shell_TrayWnd", "");
protected static int HandleOfStartButton
int handleOfDesktop = GetDesktopWindow();
int handleOfStartButton = FindWindowEx(handleOfDesktop, 0, "button", 0);
return handleOfStartButton;
private Taskbar()
// hide ctor
public static void Show()
ShowWindow(Handle, SW_SHOW);
ShowWindow(HandleOfStartButton, SW_SHOW);
public static void Hide()
ShowWindow(Handle, SW_HIDE);
ShowWindow(HandleOfStartButton, SW_HIDE);
You need to use P/INVOKE
private static extern int FindWindow(string className, string windowText);
private static extern int ShowWindow(int hwnd, int command);
private const int SW_HIDE = 0;
private const int SW_SHOW = 1;
int hwnd = FindWindow("Shell_TrayWnd","");
I hope that helps
ShowInTaskbar = false;
– Altivo