Is there a way to make the following return true?
string title = "ASTRINGTOTEST";
There doesn't seem to be an overload that allows me to set the case sensitivity.. Currently I UPPERCASE them both, but that's just silly (by which I am referring to the i18n issues that come with up- and down casing).
This question is ancient and since then I have realized I asked for a simple answer for a really vast and difficult topic if you care to investigate it fully.
For most cases, in mono-lingual, English code bases this answer will suffice. I'm suspecting because most people coming here fall in this category this is the most popular answer.
This answer however brings up the inherent problem that we can't compare text case insensitive until we know both texts are the same culture and we know what that culture is. This is maybe a less popular answer, but I think it is more correct and that's why I marked it as such.