Okay so I have a movieclip called a_mc, if you click the movieclip, it goes to frame 5, and then on frame 5 there is a button called close_btn where if you click the button, it goes back to frame 1 and it is supposed to make a_mc invisible. Here is the actionscript code for frame 1.
a_mc.addEventListener(MouseClick.CLICK, aClicked);
function aClicked(event:MouseEvent):void {
and on frame 5, the actionscript code is
close_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, closeCLicked);
function closeClicked(event:MouseEvent):void {
a_mc.visible = false;
a_mc.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, aClicked);
see, the problem is, in frame 5, I make a_mc invisible and remove the event listener and go back to frame 1 and on frame one, it always executes the actionscript code so it again creates the event listener and makes a_mc visible. Any idea on how to stop this from happening?
I tried putting the code from frame 1 into a package and then a class and then a constructer method but it is saying
"Syntax error: package is unexpected"