Ok, so I'm a beginner at AS3 and Flash and I managed to put this code together for an animation. A Button called start_btn is supposed to start and stop a movieclip called main_mc. On the first click of the Button, the Movieclip is supposed to play (which it does), however on the second click, the movie stops in the middle of its animation (which I don't want). My question is, when you click the Button a second time, how can i get the Movieclip to finish playing its animation then stop on the last frame?
I thought about using if (main_mc.currentFrame == main_mc.totalFrames); {main_mc.stop();
but the Movieclip still does not stop on the last frame. The Movieclip itself also has a gotoAndPlay(2);
command on the last frame so that the animation repeats before the Button is clicked a second time.
here is the code i have:
`start_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, mainaniS);
function mainaniS(event:MouseEvent):void
start_btn.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, mainaniS);
start_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, mainaniSt);
function mainaniSt(event:MouseEvent):void
if (main_mc.currentFrame == main_mc.totalFrames);
start_btn.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, mainaniSt);
start_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, mainaniS);