I've got a Marionette CompositeView
that I'm using to fill in a dropdown. The JSON response is clean when I call collection.fetch()
from within the CompositeView, but instead of appending the new ItemViews, CompositeView seems to be replacing them in the DOM.
Here's my code (coffeescript):
class @PDCollectionItemView extends Backbone.Marionette.ItemView
el: 'li'
template: Handlebars.compile('{{ title }}')
class @PDCollectionsView extends Backbone.Marionette.CompositeView
id: 'pd_collections'
className: 'selection'
itemView: PDCollectionItemView
itemViewContainer: '.scroll ul'
template: HandlebarsTemplates['connections/collection_select'] #handlebars_assets gem
modalTrigger: '#pd_collection_selector'
modal : '#pd_selection_modal'
selectBtn : '#select_collection'
initialize: ->
@selectedCollection = undefined
Connectors.App.vent.on "connections:collectionStaged", @assignSelectedCollection
return @PDCollectionsView
And the parent layout where the fetch
is called:
class @IndexLayout extends Backbone.Marionette.Layout
initialize: ->
@collections = new PDCollectionsCollection
@collectionsView = new PDCollectionsView
collection: @collections
onRender: ->
@collectionSelect.show @collectionsView
success: (collection, response, options) =>
Connectors.App.vent.trigger "connections:collectionsLoaded"
Connectors.App.vent.trigger "loadComplete"
error: (collection, response, options) =>
console.log response
I've tried manually appending the items with an appendHTML
call, but I get the same behavior. I can log each itemView
with a call to onAfterItemAdded
on the @PDCollectionsView
, and the item views are distinct; different cids, and the appropriate models.