Basically, I'm trying to render a CompositeView as a simple four-column list with a table header, where each model in a collection is rendered into a and appended to the . I'm following an example of Derick's quite closely with only a little variation, but unfortunately have gotten some pretty strange results.
Instead of rendering each itemView, the view instead references itself and re-renders for each item in the collection, producing a new table and table head. Before that, It was rendering the compositeView in itself.
I have an itemView, the template of which is a group of items, and a compositeView that references it which is a table
The CompositeView:
class App.module('Views.Parts').Index extends Backbone.Marionette.CompositeView
template: 'parts/index'
itemView: App.Views.Parts.Part
tagName: 'table'
itemViewContainer: 'tbody'
appendHtml: (collectionView, itemView, index)->
The ItemView:
class App.module('Views.Parts').Part extends Backbone.App.ItemView
tagName: 'tr'
template: 'parts/part'
"click .destroy": "destroy"
destroy: (e) ->
onRender: ->
The Controller
class App.Controllers.Parts
constructor: ->
@parts = new App.Collections.Parts
@parts.reset( = null
showView: (view)-> view
index: ->
view = new App.Views.Parts.Index
collection: @parts
@showView view
I have also heard that declaring an ItemView before the CompositeView is necessary--however since it is a Marionette Rails project, the views are actually living in different directories. Would I have to declare their order or bind them to each other accordingly in another way?