// build a collection of players with this team ID
this.collection = new PlayersCollection(App.data.players.where({team_id: this.model.id}));
When I do this it renders this.collection = App.data.players;
it has to do with the collection being a new collection, how do I listen to a new collection?
With marionette I am passing a collection of players into a collection of teams with collectionViews, compositeViews, and itemViews.
Teams collectionView > Team compositeView > Player itemView
Inside the team compositeView I define this.collection
as a new PlayersCollection that matches the particular teams ID. This renders perfect, but adding a new player I can't get the view to re-render without refreshing the page.
addPlayer: function(e) {
var $newPlayer = this.$el.find('input.player_name');
var Player = {
player_name : $newPlayer.val(),
team_id : this.model.id
Here is a majority of the code. I am trying to add/create a new player and update the view with listenTo
but since this is not a traditional way to define the collection it seems I have to find a way to bind it?
var Marionette = require('backbone.marionette'),
playerView = require('./player'),
PlayersCollection = require('../../collections/players');
var teamView = Marionette.CompositeView.extend({
events: {
'submit #AddPlayer': 'addPlayer'
initialize: function() {
// anytime something within this specific team changes, render
this.listenTo(this.model, 'change', this.render);
// build a collection of players with this team ID
this.collection = new PlayersCollection(App.data.players.where({team_id: this.model.id}));
addPlayer: function(e) {
var $newPlayer = this.$el.find('input.player_name');
var Player = {
player_name : $newPlayer.val(),
team_id : this.model.id
itemView: playerView,
appendHtml: function(collectionView, itemView){
module.exports = CollectionView = Marionette.CollectionView.extend({
initialize: function() {
this.listenTo(this.collection, 'change', this.render);
itemView: teamView
var Marionette = require('backbone.marionette');
module.exports = playerView = Marionette.ItemView.extend({
className: 'players-wrap row',
template: require('../../../templates/teams/player.hbs'),
events: {
'mouseenter .player-image': 'playerOn',
'mouseleave .player-image': 'playerOff',
'click .player-image': 'playerClicked',
'keydown': 'on_keypress',
'click .one-point': 'onePoint',
'click .two-point': 'twoPoint',
'click .three-point': 'threePoint'
initialize:function() {
_.bindAll(this, 'on_keypress');
$(document).bind('keydown', this.on_keypress);
this.listenTo(this.model, 'change', this.render);
this.$el.attr('data-player', this.model.get('player_name').replace(/\s+/g,"_").toLowerCase());
window.play = this.model;
playerOn:function(e) {
this.findPlayer(this.model.get('player_name'), 'add');
playerOff:function() {
this.findPlayer(this.model.get('player_name'), 'remove');
playerClicked:function() {
this.findPlayer(this.model.get('player_name'), 'toggle');
findPlayer:function(name, action) {
var player = $('.data-wrap .player-data[data-player='+ name.replace(/\s+/g,"_").toLowerCase() +']');
if(action === 'toggle') { player.toggleClass('show-confirmed-clicked') }
if(action === 'add') { player.addClass('show-player-data') }
if(action === 'remove') { player.removeClass('show-player-data') }
onePoint:function(e) {
var addStat = parseInt(this.model.get('points')) + 1;
this.model.set('points', addStat);
twoPoint:function(e) {
var addStat = parseInt(this.model.get('points')) + 2;
this.model.set('points', addStat);
threePoint:function(e) {
var addStat = parseInt(this.model.get('points')) + 3;
this.model.set('points', addStat);
on_keypress:function(e) {
this.keyStat(e, 49, 'points', 1); // 1 point
this.keyStat(e, 50, 'points', 2); // 2 points
this.keyStat(e, 51, 'points', 3); // 3 points
this.keyStat(e, 82, 'rebounds', 1); // R rebounds
this.keyStat(e, 83, 'steals', 1); // S steals
keyStat:function(e, keyVal, stat, number) {
if(e.keyCode == keyVal && !e.ctrlKey) {
if(this.$el.hasClass('hover')) {
var addStat = parseInt(this.model.get(stat)) + number;
this.model.set(stat, addStat);
return {
name_format: this.model.get('player_name').replace(/\s+/g, '_').toLowerCase()