I have a view that should render models for the player who has the maximum points
between all the teams. There are many ways to do this but here is the path I am leading down.
getMax : function(attribute) {
return this.collection.max(function (team) {
//return team.get('players').get(attribute);
var test = new PlayersCollection(team.get('players'));
}, this);
This is in a marionette collectionView for teams (well composite, but it works like a collection). I understand why test
returns the players for each team, but I can't think of a way to merge all the players into one collection then query who is the max points
That said I may be able to avoid merging them in the first place if there is a way to determine who is the leader, but since the collection is nested I am a little stumped.
Since this.collection
are the Teams, I thought something like this.collection.get('players').get('points')
would allow me to get the max value of all the teams, but that didn't work.
Weird solution 1 I did a little hacking and came up with this. Alot of problems with this because Its stripped of backbone functionality meaning I cant return the model of the max player, only the points of that player, thats it.. still thinking (brain bleeding lol)
teams = App.data.teams
var points1 = teams.get('5368dcc1227a937829b2cb4a').players.pluck('points')
var points2 = teams.get('5368dcd9227a937829b2cb4c').players.pluck('points')
var test = points1.concat(points2);
var maxi = _.max(test);
Slightly better solution 2 merging the object arrays
teams = App.data.teams
var home = teams.get('5368dcc1227a937829b2cb4a').players.models;
var away = teams.get('5368dcd9227a937829b2cb4c').players.models;
all = home.concat(away);