Currently I am working on Durandal 2.0 project. Initially I was using this JavaScript code to execute my shell.js(ViewModel), which is working perfectly fine.
Initial JavaScript Code (working one)
define(['plugins/router', 'durandal/app'], function (router, app) {
return {
router: router,
search: function() {
app.showMessage('Search not yet implemented...');
activate: function () {[
{ route: '', title:'Welcome', moduleId: 'viewmodels/welcome', nav: true },
{ route: 'flickr', moduleId: 'viewmodels/hello', nav: true }
return router.activate();
Now I am trying to use typescript. So I wrote this code(below one), which is not working Typescript Code:
/// <reference path="../../Scripts/typescripts/jquery/jquery.d.ts" />
/// <reference path="../../Scripts/typescripts/knockout/knockout.d.ts" />
/// <reference path="../../Scripts/typescripts/durandal/durandal.d.ts" />
import _config = require('config');
import _router = require('plugins/router');
import _app = require('durandal/app');
class shell {
//config = new _config.Config();
app = _app;
router = _router;
activate() {[
{ route: '', title: 'Welcome', moduleId: 'viewmodels/welcome', nav: true },
{ route: 'flickr', moduleId: 'viewmodels/hello', nav: true }
return this.router.activate();
Output of typescript: JavaScript code generated by TypeScript(Not Working)
/// <reference path="../../Scripts/typescripts/jquery/jquery.d.ts" />
/// <reference path="../../Scripts/typescripts/knockout/knockout.d.ts" />
/// <reference path="../../Scripts/typescripts/durandal/durandal.d.ts" />
define(["require", "exports", 'plugins/router', 'durandal/app'], function(require, exports, ___router__, ___app__) {
var _router = ___router__;
var _app = ___app__;
var shell = (function () {
function shell() {
//config = new _config.Config(); = _app;
this.router = _router;
shell.prototype.activate = function () {[
{ route: '', title: 'Welcome', moduleId: 'viewmodels/welcome', nav: true },
{ route: 'flickr', moduleId: 'viewmodels/hello', nav: true }
return this.router.activate();
return shell;
Can anyone suggest me what is the issue?? the error I am getting is this,
Unable to parse bindings.
Bindings value: attr: { href: router.navigationModel()[0].hash }
Message: router is not defined;
View: views/shell;
ModuleId: viewmodels/shell