I tried to install websphere application server for developer v8.5. I've already installed the installation manager. Then I download the image from here: all the three parts of WebSphere Application Server for Developers, Installation Manager Repository. Cause my linux has no GUI, so I unzipped the file and tried to use installation manager to install it.
I used :
./imcl listAvailablePackages -repositories /home/user/tmp/wasdev_installer/repository.config
to verify that the package exist.
Then I ran : ./imcl install com.ibm.websphere.DEVELOPERSILAN.v85_8.5.5000.20130514_1044 -repositories /home/user/tmp/wasdev_installer/repository.config -installationDirectory /home/user/Websphere_v85 -accessRights nonAdmin -acceptLicense
But I always got errors like :
ERROR: The silent installation process does not support installing packages that are contained on multiple media discs.
CRIMC1017E ERROR: Failed to locate zip com.ibm.websphere.batch_136_all.all 8.5.5000.201305110146. Cannot find the table of contents file for an artifact in the repository. Table of contents files are located under the atoc directory in the repository. If the repository files were transferred from a different location, verify that the files were not altered during the transfer operation. Copy the repository files to a different location and install from that location.
I re-unzipped the file, but didn't help. Was I doing wrong? Thanks for your help.