I've just installed Websphere application server for developers version, using IBM installation manager. When I try and create a profile I get an error that points me to a log file. Here's the beginning of it:
java.fullversion=JRE 1.6.0 IBM J9 2.6 Windows 7 amd64-64 Compressed References 20151222_283040 (JIT enabled, AOT enabled)
J9VM - R26_Java626_SR8_20151222_1616_B283040 JIT - tr.r11_20151209_107111.01 GC - R26_Java626_SR8_20151222_1616_B283040_CMPRSS J9CL - 20151222_283040 BootLoader constants: OS=win32, ARCH=x86_64, WS=win32, NL=en_GB
!ENTRY org.eclipse.equinox.app 0 0 2016-07-27 11:53:16.101
!MESSAGE Product com.ibm.ws.pmt.views.standalone.standAloneWasTools could not be found.
!ENTRY org.eclipse.osgi 2 0 2016-07-27 11:53:16.146
!MESSAGE One or more bundles are not resolved because the following root constraints are not resolved:
!SUBENTRY 1 org.eclipse.osgi 2 0 2016-07-27 11:53:16.146
!MESSAGE Bundle websphere@plugins\com.ibm.ws.pmt.views_8.5.1.jar was not resolved.
!SUBENTRY 2 com.ibm.ws.pmt.views 2 0 2016-07-27 11:53:16.146
!MESSAGE Missing imported package com.ibm.ws.profile.utils_0.0.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 com.ibm.ws.pmt.views 2 0 2016-07-27 11:53:16.146
!MESSAGE Missing imported package com.ibm.ws.profile_0.0.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 com.ibm.ws.pmt.views 2 0 2016-07-27 11:53:16.146
!MESSAGE Missing imported package com.ibm.ws.wct.config.definitionLocations_0.0.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 com.ibm.ws.pmt.views 2 0 2016-07-27 11:53:16.146
!MESSAGE Missing imported package com.ibm.ws.install.configmanager.logging_0.0.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 com.ibm.ws.pmt.views 2 0 2016-07-27 11:53:16.146
!MESSAGE Missing imported package com.ibm.ws.wct.config.definitions_0.0.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 com.ibm.ws.pmt.views 2 0 2016-07-27 11:53:16.146
!MESSAGE Missing imported package com.ibm.wsspi.profile.registry_0.0.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 com.ibm.ws.pmt.views 2 0 2016-07-27 11:53:16.146
!MESSAGE Missing imported package com.ibm.wsspi.profile_0.0.0.
!SUBENTRY 1 org.eclipse.osgi 2 0 2016-07-27 11:53:16.147
!MESSAGE Bundle websphere@plugins\com.ibm.ws.pmt.tools_8.0.0.jar was not resolved.
!SUBENTRY 2 com.ibm.ws.pmt.tools 2 0 2016-07-27 11:53:16.147
!MESSAGE Missing imported package com.ibm.ws.install.configmanager.logging_0.0.0.
!SUBENTRY 1 org.eclipse.osgi 2 0 2016-07-27 11:53:16.147
!MESSAGE Bundle websphere@plugins\com.ibm.ws.pmt.views.standalone_8.0.0.jar was not resolved.
Cleary there are some missing jar files, but I have no idea why they weren't installed or were to get them from. Should also mention that I'm completely new to Websphere.