
Is there any way to have some kind of a call stack of events that occur on a web page?

After i added a select2 widget on a web page, I started experiencing lots of "too much recursion" errors but from what i can see in the code, there is no obvious event bubble issues (checked jQuery too much recursion)

The errors occur after clicking basically anywhere on the page (after a certain delay)

I tried preventing event bubble manually with event.stopPropagation but that doesn't seem to be doing any good.

I even wrote a bunch of console.log in every possible culprit but everything looks normal in the output.

So it would be really nice to have a quick way to track down what events are being called (on which nodes and if possible, what handlers are invoked).

Any ideas? Thanks.


  • Firebug error:
too much recursion

  • Select 2 jQuery code:
        width: 200,
        placeholder: "Enter a name",
        minimumInputLength: 0,
        ajax: {
            url: "/ajax/search",
            dataType: 'json',
            type: 'POST',
            data: function(term, page) {
                return {
                    q: term
            results: function(bond, page){
                return {
                    results: bond, 
                    more: false
        formatResult: function(bond) {
            return '' + bond.name + ''
        formatSelection: function(bond) {
            return bond.name
        initSelection: function(elem, cb) {
            return elem
  • Stack trace in Chrome dev tools:

enter image description here

Have you checked the call stack trace in devtools?elclanrs
Did you try updating to the latest git source?Fabrício Matté
@elclanrs umm im not sure which one you are referring to but if it's the one in Chrome, yes i did, and the last 3 calls were to x.fn.extend.find, x.fn.x.init, x (updated question with a screenshot)Dany Khalife
double check those lines and they point to the same snippet that firebug displayed.Dany Khalife
You can try to skip through your code by adding debugger; before your select2-call...yckart

1 Answers


There are browser extensions which provide this functionality: