What is the exact use of AsEnumerable? Will it change non-enumerable collection to enumerable collection?.Please give me a simple example.
9 Answers
From the "Remarks" section of the MSDN documentation:
method has no effect other than to change the compile-time type of source from a type that implementsIEnumerable<T>
can be used to choose between query implementations when a sequence implementsIEnumerable<T>
but also has a different set of public query methods available. For example, given a generic classTable
that implementsIEnumerable<T>
and has its own methods such asWhere
, andSelectMany
, a call toWhere
would invoke the publicWhere
method ofTable
. ATable
type that represents a database table could have aWhere
method that takes the predicate argument as an expression tree and converts the tree to SQL for remote execution. If remote execution is not desired, for example because the predicate invokes a local method, theAsEnumerable<TSource>
method can be used to hide the custom methods and instead make the standard query operators available.
Nobody has mentioned this for some reason, but observe that something.AsEnumerable()
is equivalent to (IEnumerable<TSomething>) something
. The difference is that the cast requires the type of the elements to be specified explicitly, which is, of course, inconvenient. For me, that's the main reason to use AsEnumerable()
instead of the cast.
AsEnumerable() converts an array (or list, or collection) into an IEnumerable<T> of the collection.
See http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb335435.aspx for more information.
From the above article:
The AsEnumerable<TSource>(IEnumerable<TSource>) method has no effect other than to change the compile-time type of source from a type that implements IEnumerable<T> to IEnumerable<T> itself.
Here's example code which may illustrate LukeH's correct explanation.
IEnumerable<Order> orderQuery = dataContext.Orders
.Where(o => o.Customer.Name == "Bob")
.Where(o => MyFancyFilterMethod(o, MyFancyObject));
The first Where is Queryable.Where
, which is translated into sql and run in the database (o.Customer is not loaded into memory).
The second Where is Enumerable.Where
, which calls an in-memory method with an instance of something I don't want to send into the database.
Without the AsEnumerable
method, I'd have to write it like this:
IEnumerable<Order> orderQuery =
(dataContext.Orders.Where(o => o.Customer.Name == "Bob")))
.Where(o => MyFancyFilterMethod(o, MyFancyObject));
IEnumerable<Order> orderQuery =
dataContext.Orders.Where(o => o.Customer.Name == "Bob"),
(o => MyFancyFilterMethod(o, MyFancyObject));
Neither of which flow well at all.
static void Main()
"AsEnumerable" purpose is to cast an IQueryable<T> sequence to IEnumerable<T>,
forcing the remainder of the query to execute locally instead of on database as below example so it can hurt performance. (bind Enumerable operators instead of Queryable).
In below example we have cars table in SQL Server and are going to filter red cars and filter equipment with some regex:
Regex wordCounter = new Regex(@"\w");
var query = dataContext.Cars.Where(car=> article.Color == "red" && wordCounter.Matches(car.Equipment).Count < 10);
SQL Server doesn’t support regular expressions therefore the LINQ-to-db providers will throw an exception: query cannot be translated to SQL.
TO solve this firstly we can get all cars with red color using a LINQ to SQL query,
and secondly filtering locally for Equipment of less than 10 words:
Regex wordCounter = new Regex(@"\w");
IEnumerable<Car> sqlQuery = dataContext.Cars
.Where(car => car.Color == "red");
IEnumerable<Car> localQuery = sqlQuery
.Where(car => wordCounter.Matches(car.Equipment).Count < 10);
Because sqlQuery is of type IEnumerable<Car>, the second query binds to the local query operators,
therefore that part of the filtering is run on the client.
With AsEnumerable, we can do the same in a single query:
Regex wordCounter = new Regex(@"\w");
var query = dataContext.Cars
.Where(car => car.Color == "red")
.Where(car => wordCounter.Matches(car.Equipment).Count < 10);
An alternative to calling AsEnumerable is ToArray or ToList.