I have a simple piece of Verilog code where i fix two numbers. 45 and 46. Multiply them and show the output. I wrote a simple piece of Verilog code to do that.
However, when I Generate the Post-Synthesis Simulation Model, the Synthesis report does not show any Timing Analysis. However, when the variables are inputs, it finds the logic and routing time for the circuit.
I am interested in these metrics for a circuit created for fixed inputs.
This is my code:
module SimpleMult(
reg signed[7:0] mult1;
reg signed[7:0] mult2;
output reg signed[15:0]outProd;
initial begin
mult1 = 45;
mult2 = 46;
always@(*) begin
outProd = mult1 * mult2;
Is there anyway I can get the timing analysis to work for this?