I have two files, master.vhd and slave.vhd, both synthetize without errors or warnings. I want to create a structural top module and connect them. I'm using Xilinx ISE 14.2.
My top.vhd file looks like this:
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity top is
end top;
architecture structural of top is
signal reset, clk : std_logic;
signal req, ack, sig : std_logic;
master : entity work.master_v10_zad1(rtl)
port map(
reset => reset,
clk => clk,
req => req,
ack => ack,
sig => sig
slave : entity work.slave_v10_zad1(rtl)
port map(
reset => reset,
clk => clk,
req => req,
ack => ack,
sig => sig
end structural;
When I do it like this I can't synthesize it and get a lot of warnings like: WARNING:Xst:647 - Input is never used. This port will be preserved and left unconnected... blah blah
But if I add some uneeded ports in the top entity then it synthesizes ok, but I don't need the extra ports, they are just clutter!
My question is how do I connect the two modules with a top structural file (or any other way that works) and keep the design synthetisable?