
I have a simple function that shades every other row of a given range in a worksheet:

Public Function ShadeEveryOtherRow()
ShadedRows = Range("myRange").Rows.Count
' determines the number of rows to shade in the range

' Code that loops through and shades rows here

End Function

I would like to be able to call this function with a given worksheet name and range as inputs. If I write the function as shown below and attempt to execute using the test() sub, I get a "Compile Error: Type mismatch" error. Any assistance would be appreciated. Thanks.

Public Function ShadeEveryOtherRow(targetSheet As Worksheet, targetRange As Range)

Dim targetSheet As Worksheet
Dim targetRange As Range

shadeRows = Range(targetRange).Rows.Count

'Code that shades rows here

End Function

Sub test()
ShadeEveryOtherRow "mySheet", "myRange"

End Sub

2 Answers


targetRange and targetSheet should be of type string, instead of being passed to the function as objects.

Public Function ShadeEveryOtherRow(targetSheet As string, targetRange As string)

Dim targetSheet As Worksheet
Dim targetRange As Range

shadeRows = Range(targetRange).Rows.Count

'Code that shades rows here

End Function

Sub test()
ShadeEveryOtherRow "mySheet", "myRange"

End Sub

Don't Dim your variables twice. Declaring them in the function signature is sufficient. Also, don't use .Select. Do what you want to do explicitly.

Public Function ShadeEveryOtherRow(targetSheet As string, targetRange As string)

shadeRows = Sheets(targetSheet).Range(targetRange).Rows.Count

'Code that shades rows here

End Function

Edit: Like Sigil points out below you should be using strings for your variables. THe other option is to pass in the range explicitly.

Public Function ShadeEveryOtherRow(targetRange As Range)

    shadeRows = targetRange.Rows.Count

    'Code that shades rows here
End Function

Sub test()
    ShadeEveryOtherRow Sheets("mySheet").Range("myRange")
End Sub

And remember! Always use Option Explicit at the top of all your code.