
I am having an issue with a Error 1004 "Application-defined or Object-defined error" when selecting a range.

I am still able to select rows (ie Rows("21:21").select) and to select ranges in other sheets of the same workbook. I do not believe the error is in the code. Maybe its some setting I am unaware of?

I have used the exact same code many times before but for some reason I cannot make it function in this sub (I have commented where the error occurs)...

Sub CopySheet1_to_PasteSheet2()

    Dim CLastFundRow As Integer
    Dim CFirstBlankRow As Integer

    'Finds last row of content
         '>>>Error 1004 "Application-defined or Object-defined error" Occurs
    CLastFundRow = ActiveCell.Row
    'Finds first row without content
    CFirstBlankRow = CLastFundRow + 1

    'Copy Data
    Range("A21:C" & CLastFundRow).Select
    'Paste Data Values
    Sheets("PalTrakExport PortfolioAIdName").Select
    Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
        :=False, Transpose:=False

    'Bring back to top of sheet for consistancy
End Sub

I need to get all fancy in my copying as the amount of rows will change frequently. Again, the below code has been used before without error... but not in this instance.

Dim CLastFundRow As Integer
Dim CFirstBlankRow As Integer

'Finds last row of content
     '>>>Error 1004 "Application-defined or Object-defined error" Occurs
CLastFundRow = ActiveCell.Row
'Finds first row without content
CFirstBlankRow = CLastFundRow + 1
It's always best to avoid using Select : stackoverflow.com/questions/10714251/…citizenkong

18 Answers


Perhaps your code is behind Sheet1, so when you change the focus to Sheet2 the objects cannot be found? If that's the case, simply specifying your target worksheet might help:


I'm not very familiar with how Select works because I try to avoid it as much as possible :-). You can define and manipulate ranges without selecting them. Also it's a good idea to be explicit about everything you reference. That way, you don't lose track if you go from one sheet or workbook to another. Try this:

Option Explicit

Sub CopySheet1_to_PasteSheet2()

    Dim CLastFundRow As Integer
    Dim CFirstBlankRow As Integer
    Dim wksSource As Worksheet, wksDest As Worksheet
    Dim rngStart As Range, rngSource As Range, rngDest As Range

    Set wksSource = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1")
    Set wksDest = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet2")

    'Finds last row of content
    CLastFundRow = wksSource.Range("C21").End(xlDown).Row
    'Finds first row without content
    CFirstBlankRow = CLastFundRow + 1

    'Copy Data
    Set rngSource = wksSource.Range("A2:C" & CLastFundRow)

    'Paste Data Values
    Set rngDest = wksDest.Range("A21")
    rngDest.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
    'Bring back to top of sheet for consistancy

End Sub

It's a bit late but might be helpful for future reference. I had just had the same issue and I think it's because the macro was placed at the worksheet level. Right click on the modules node on the VBA project window, click on "Insert" => "Module", then paste your macro in the new module (make sure you delete the one recorded at the worksheet level).


I as well had the same problem and nearly drove crazy. The solution was pretty unexpected.

My Excel is shipped out by default that I enter formulas in an Excel-Cell as followed:

=COUNTIF(Range; Searchvalue)
=COUNTIF(A1:A10; 7) 'Example

Please note, that parameters are separated with a semicolon;. Now if you paste exactly that string into a formula within VBA, for example like:

Range("C7").FormulaArray = "=COUNTIF(A1:A10; 7)" 'this will not work

You will get this 1004-error with absolutely no explanation. I spent hours to debug this.. All you have to do is replace all semicolon with commas.

Range("C7").FormulaArray = "=COUNTIF(A1:A10, 7)" 'this works

The same thing happened to me. In my case most of the worksheet was in protected mode (though the cells relevant to the macro were unlocked). When I disabled the protection on the worksheet, the macro worked fine...it seems VBA doesn't like locked cells even if they are not used by the macro.


Some operations in Excel are limited by available Memory. If you repeat the same process over and over it could produce a memory overflow and excel will not be able to repeat it anymore. This happened to me while trying to create several sheets in the same workbook.


You may receive a "Run-time error 1004" error message when you programmatically set a large array string to a range in Excel 2003

In Office Excel 2003, when you programmatically set a range value with an array containing a large string, you may receive an error message similar to the following:

Run-time error '1004'. Application-defined or operation-defined error.

This issue may occur if one or more of the cells in an array (range of cells) contain a character string that is set to contain more than 911 characters.

To work around this issue, edit the script so that no cells in the array contain a character string that holds more than 911 characters.

For example, the following line of code from the example code block below defines a character string that contains 912 characters:

Sub XLTest()
Dim aValues(4)

  aValues(0) = "Test1"
  aValues(1) = "Test2"
  aValues(2) = "Test3"

  MsgBox "First the Good range set."
  aValues(3) = String(911, 65)

  Range("A1:D1").Value = aValues

  MsgBox "Now the bad range set."
  aValues(3) = String(912, 66)
  Range("A2:D2").Value = aValues

End Sub

Other versions of Excel or free alternatives like Calc should work as well.


I could remove the error (Run-time error '1004'. Application-defined or operation-defined error) by defining the counters as Single


I had a similar problem & fixed it applying these steps:

  1. Unprotecting the sheet that I want to edit
  2. Changing the range that I had selected by every single cell in the range (exploded)

I hope this will help someone.


You have to go to the sheet of db to get the first blank row, you could try this method.

Sub DesdeColombia ()    
  Dim LastRowFull As Long

  'Here we will define the first blank row in the column number 1 of sheet number 1:
  LastRowFull = Sheet1.Cells(Rows.Count,1).End(xlUp).Offset(1,0).Row

  'Now we are going to insert information
  Sheet1.Cells(LastRowFull, 1).Value = "We got it"    
End Sub

You can use the following code (For example if one was to want to copy cell data from Sheet2 to Sheet1).

Sub Copy
Worksheets("Sheet1").Range(Cells(i, 6), Cells(i, FullPathLastColumn)).Copy_
Destination:=Worksheets("Sheet2").Cells(Path2Row, Path2EndColumn + 1)
End Sub

I had a similar issue, but it turns out I was just referencing a cell which was off the page {i.e. cells(i,1).cut cells (i-1,2)}


I had a similar issue when trying to loop on each sheet of a workbook. To resolve it I did something like this

dim mySheet as sheet

for each mysheet in myWorkbook.sheets


    with Selection
    'any wanted operations here
    end with


And it worked just fine

I hope you can adapt it in your situation


I ran into the same issue and found that the individual that created the worksheet had several columns locked. I removed the protection and everything worked as designed.


I am also having the same problem and I solved by as below.
in macro have a variable called rownumber and initially i set it as zero. this is the error because no excel sheet contains row number as zero. when i set as 1 and increment what i want.
now its working fine.


I also had a similar issue. After copying and pasting to a sheet I wanted the cursor/ selected cell to be A1 not the range that I just pasted into.

Dim wkSheet as Worksheet
Set wkSheet = Worksheets(<sheetname>)


but got a 400 error which was actually a 1004 error

You need to activate the sheet before changing the selected cell this worked

Dim wkSheet as Worksheet
Set wkSheet = Worksheets(<sheetname>)


You need to find out the actual reason for this common error code: 1004. Edit your function/VBA code and run your program in debug mode to identify the line which is causing it. And then, add below piece of code to see the error,

On Error Resume Next
//Your Line here which causes 1004 error
If Err.Number > 0 Then
  Debug.Print Err.Number & ":" & Err.Description
End If

Note: Debug shortcut keys i use in PC: Step Into (F8), Step Over (Shift + F8), Step Out (Ctrl + Shift + F8)


I had this issue during VBA development/debugging suddenly because some (unknown to me) function(ality) caused the cells to be locked (maybe renaming of named references at some problematic stage).

Unlocking the cells manually worked fine:

Selecting all worksheet cells (CTRL+A) and unlock by right click -> cell formatting -> protection -> [ ] lock (may be different - translated from German: Zellen formatieren -> Schutz -> [ ] Gesperrt)


Just wanted to add an additional fix since I had previously never encountered it:

A user of mine was running into this runtime error with an Excel workbook he pulls information from, but only on his desktop computer even though its hardware and software were nearly identical to his laptop (same amount of memory, OS, Office configuration, etc.).

It turned out that the monitor connected to his desktop computer was too big - the solution/work around was to open a blank Excel file, make the Excel window smaller, then open the file he was having issues with.

Since this was a file generated by a third-party - we could not edit/implement any of the previously suggested fixes, nor did changing the macro or protection settings do anything (and they were working on his laptop with the same settings anyway).