
I have tried to use several posts I found in regards to using DisplayFormat within a UDF that loops. I am trying to count conditionally formatted cells. I can return the correct count in a test sub, but get a #VALUE! error in my worksheet.

I have tried many things, but the one I thought was most relevant was from a response by Tim Williams:

Getting cell Interior Color Fails when range passed from Worksheet function

However, the EVALUATE method would cause "Error 2015" values and I was unable to get around that problem, I saw this issue while using the test sub routine.

WORKING ANSWER thanks to @BigBen:

Public Function DFColor(addr)
DFColor = Range(addr).DisplayFormat.Interior.ColorIndex
End Function

Function COUNTBYCOLOUR(CountRange As Range)
Dim countColour As Integer
Dim rCell As Range
countColour = 3
For Each rCell In CountRange
   If countColour = (rCell.Parent.Evaluate("DFColor(""" & rCell.Address & """)"))Then
    End If
Next rCell
End Function

Previous attempt Main Function:

Function COUNTBYCOLOUR(CountRange As Range)
'make workbook recalculate on cell changes
'Declaring variables
Dim countColour As Integer
Dim rCell As Range
'Setting search colour (red)
countColour = 3
'Looping through the defined range
For Each rCell In CountRange
Dim Y As Integer
Y = evalCell(rCell)
'Getting the count of matching colored cells
If Y = countColour Then
End If
Next rCell
End Function

'USE TO TEST UDF, Place cursor before Sub test() and press f8 to step through and debug
'Sub test()
 'MsgBox COUNTBYCOLOUR(Range("C4:C11"))
'End Sub

Previous attempt Secondary function to try and separate DisplayFormat from UDF:

'get cell colour outside of COUNTBYCOLOUR UDF so it evaluates DisplayFormat on worksheet.
Public Function evalCell(currentCell)
    evalCell = currentCell.DisplayFormat.Interior.ColorIndex
End Function

When I run the sub routine at the bottom of my main function, I get the correct count (only trying to count red cells, no need to have a colour reference cell). When I use COUNTBYCOLOUR in my worksheet, I get the #VALUE! error. Hopefully some more experienced eyes can help me. Thank you.

Where do you use Evaluate - as that is the key workaround as noted in the linked question?BigBen
Can you share how you've used Evaluate then?BigBen
Yes Ben, Thanks for your help. Unfortunately I had overwritten, but it was along the lines I added in post above.Stephen Dawson
That version works for me. What is your data like and how are you calling the UDF?BigBen
Small note about "USE TO TEST UDF, Place cursor before Sub test() and press f8 to step through and debug": a better way would be to hit Ctrl+G to bring up the immediate pane, and type test and ENTER.Mathieu Guindon

2 Answers


Working Version:

Public Function DFColor(addr)
DFColor = Range(addr).DisplayFormat.Interior.ColorIndex
End Function

Function COUNTBYCOLOUR(CountRange As Range)
Dim countColour As Integer
Dim rCell As Range
countColour = 3
For Each rCell In CountRange
If countColour = (rCell.Parent.Evaluate("DFColor(""" & rCell.Address & """)"))Then
    End If
Next rCell
End Function

I think your code is an overkill sorry. Following simplified form of your code works well for me:

Function COUNTBYCOLOUR(CountRange As Range)

Dim rCell As Range

For Each rCell In CountRange 'Getting the count of matching colored cells
    If rCell.Interior.ColorIndex = 3 Then 'search colour (red) is 3
    End If
Next rCell

End Function