I am working in paypal delayed chained payment, i have attached code snippet in that PAY_PRIMARY action type is specified so the scenario the amount of person one and person two to be summed but in my case it takes primary receiver amount not summing secondary receiver amount.
primary reciever amount =10 secondary receiver amount = 5
after redirecting to paypal i am getting on amount 10 to pay,not 15.
I need any ideas , advice from you guys. below my code
receivers = []
receivers.append({'amount':amounts, 'email':"[email protected]",'primary':'true'})
receivers.append({'amount':amounts, 'email':"[email protected]",'primary':'false'})
print receivers
response = paypal.pay(actionType = 'PAY_PRIMARY',
cancelUrl = "urlofmywebsite",currencyCode = 'USD',
feesPayer = 'PRIMARYRECEIVER',receiverList = {'receiver': receivers},
returnUrl = "urlofmywebsite",
ipnNotificationUrl = "urlofmywebsite",
errorLanguage = "en_US")
i have added example url instead of original url of the website for security issues.
Thanks in advance.