On my server-side, I just started receiving positive responses from the Adaptive Payment API through the AngelEye PHP SDK to achieve delayed chained payments, which hold funds by a primary receiver for up to 90 days dispersed to secondary receiver(s) accounts.
On the client-side, I redirect the user to checkout with the RedirectURL returned by my JSON-encoded API response. So the worst is over, but I don't understand what PayPal means by 'explicitly executing a payment to secondary receivers'?
Does explicit imply that I have to login to my PayPal and disburse the funds to the secondary receiver account(s) manually after they meet my criteria that I have setup? Primarily, I'm trying to figure out how to delay the chain in a delay chained payment. Can I just have the funds automatically sent somehow on my server once I, the application-owner, receives criteria from secondary receiver(s) such as a tracking number
Delayed Chained Payments
By default, payments to all receivers in a chained payment are immediate.
However, you can choose to delay a payment to a secondary receiver. For
example, as primary receiver, you may require secondary receivers to perform
some action, such as shipping goods or waiting for expiration of a return
period, before making payment. To complete the payment, you must explicitly
execute a payment to secondary receivers after the sender pays you. The
payment must occur within 90 days, after which you cannot complete the payment
as part of the original chained payment.