
I am using PayPal adaptive payment delayed chained payment. The process is unintuitive.

Q1: How to process the payment to the secondary receiver?

API calls are made as below:
1. Make Pay API call with actionType=PAY_PRIMARY which will only process the payment to the primary receiver
2. Explicitly process the payment to secondary receiver.

How do I process step 2 above? Do I use ExecutePayment API operation? (This does not look correct since in the documentation it says to use payKey however payKey would be expired by the time I need to process the payment to the secondary receiver.)

Q2: Is it ok to use SECONDARYONLY as feesPayer in delayed chained payment?


1 Answers


A1: You would make a call to ExecutePayment passing the PayKey as a parameter. To clear up your doubts, the PayKey has a shelf life of 3 hours before the payment is initiated.

Once the payment has been approved by the customer (i.e. the first leg of the chained payment is completed) the PayKey becomes permanent and does not expire.

For a delayed chained payment, PayPal gives you 90 days to explicitly complete the second leg. After that, it will not allow you to do so, and the primary would need to manually send the money to the secondary receiver.

A2: Yes, but you can only use this variable when you have a single secondary receiver.