In the process of writing an interpreter in Haskell for a separate, simple programming language - I find myself butting my head against a wall as I learn typing in Haskell.
I have two custom data types
data Expr
= Var Var
| NumE Int
| NilE
| ConsE Expr Expr
| Plus Expr Expr
| Minus Expr Expr
| Times Expr Expr
| Div Expr Expr
| Equal Expr Expr
| Less Expr Expr
| Greater Expr Expr
| Not Expr
| Isnum Expr
| And Expr Expr
| Or Expr Expr
| Head Expr
| Tail Expr
| Call String
deriving (Show, Read)
data Val = Num Int | Nil | Cons Val Val
deriving (Eq, Show, Read)
and I'm starting to write the cases for interpreting these options, with the function interpret_expr
interpret_expr :: Vars -> Expr -> Val
interpret_expr vars@(Vars a b c d) (NumE integer) = integer
but this COMPLAINS that it couldn't match expected type 'Val' with actual type 'Int' in the expression 'integer'. But say I change it to something silly like
interpret_expr :: Vars -> Expr -> Val
interpret_expr vars@(Vars a b c d) (NumE 'a') = 'a'
it then complains at 'a' that it can't match expected type 'Int' with actual type 'Char'. NOW IT WANTS AN INT?????? I really don't know what to say, I really thought it would be as simple as providing NumE with a variable it could figure is an integer. What am I doing wrong?
type? You don't show that definition. – Scott Olsoninterpret_expr
, you said it should return aVal
, but you are trying to return anInt
. You forgot to apply your constructorNum : Int -> Val
. – luqui