
I have added | Lit Int and | Add Exp Exp to the data type as seen below, along with the evaluation. However I get an error "Couldn't match expected type ‘Var’ with actual type ‘Int’".

data Exp = V Var
    | B Bool
    | L Exp
    | A Exp Exp
    | Lit Int
    | Add Exp Exp
data Var = VZ |VS Var

eval:: Exp -> Var
eval (Lit n)     = n
eval (Add e1 e2) = eval e1 + eval e2

How can I add Int and Add to the data type, along with the evaluation, but maintain the following code as is. Is this possible?

data Exp = V Var
    | B Bool
    | L Exp
    | A Exp Exp
data Var = VZ |VS Var

I have added an instance to resolve this, as seen below, but now I have the error "Pattern bindings (except simple variables) not allowed in instance declaration: Add e1 e2 = (Lit e1) + (Lit e2)":

{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances #-}

data Exp = V Var
    | B Bool
    | L Exp
    | A Exp Exp
    | Lit Int
    | Add Exp Exp
data Var = VZ |VS Var

eval:: Exp -> Var
eval (Lit n)     = n
eval (Add e1 e2) = eval e1 + eval e2

instance Num Var where
    Lit e = e

instance Num Var where
    Add e1 e2 = (Lit e1) + (Lit e2)
eval has type Exp -> Var, so that means that eval e1 is a Var. But you can not add two Vars together, or at least not without defining how to do that.Willem Van Onsem
How can I define how to do that?pmichaels
you define it as an instance of Num, so instance Num Var where ....Willem Van Onsem
What do VZ and VS stand for?ShamPooSham
VZ and VS are part of code that I am working with, I don't actually see them defined further so I can probably drop itpmichaels

1 Answers


You seem to have gotten mixed up along the way. I believe Var represents a free variable in De Bruijn notation. You're missing an encoding of values. This could look something vaguely like

data Value
  = IntVal !Int
  | BoolVal !Bool
  | Closure { environment :: [Value]
            , expr :: Exp }

Now you'll want eval :: Exp -> Value to evaluate expressions. There's lots of work left.