I've implemented a different method to check for primes because:
- Most of these solutions keep iterating through the same multiple unnecessarily (for example, they check 5, 10, and then 15, something that a single % by 5 will test for).
- A % by 2 will handle all even numbers (all integers ending in 0, 2, 4, 6, or 8).
- A % by 5 will handle all multiples of 5 (all integers ending in 5).
- What's left is to test for even divisions by integers ending in 1, 3, 7, or 9. But the beauty is that we can increment by 10 at a time, instead of going up by 2, and I will demonstrate a solution that is threaded out.
- The other algorithms are not threaded out, so they don't take advantage of your cores as much as I would have hoped.
- I also needed support for really large primes, so I needed to use the BigInteger data-type instead of int, long, etc.
Here is my implementation:
public static BigInteger IntegerSquareRoot(BigInteger value)
if (value > 0)
int bitLength = value.ToByteArray().Length * 8;
BigInteger root = BigInteger.One << (bitLength / 2);
while (!IsSquareRoot(value, root))
root += value / root;
root /= 2;
return root;
else return 0;
private static Boolean IsSquareRoot(BigInteger n, BigInteger root)
BigInteger lowerBound = root * root;
BigInteger upperBound = (root + 1) * (root + 1);
return (n >= lowerBound && n < upperBound);
static bool IsPrime(BigInteger value)
Console.WriteLine("Checking if {0} is a prime number.", value);
if (value < 3)
if (value == 2)
Console.WriteLine("{0} is a prime number.", value);
return true;
Console.WriteLine("{0} is not a prime number because it is below 2.", value);
return false;
if (value % 2 == 0)
Console.WriteLine("{0} is not a prime number because it is divisible by 2.", value);
return false;
else if (value == 5)
Console.WriteLine("{0} is a prime number.", value);
return true;
else if (value % 5 == 0)
Console.WriteLine("{0} is not a prime number because it is divisible by 5.", value);
return false;
// The only way this number is a prime number at this point is if it is divisible by numbers ending with 1, 3, 7, and 9.
AutoResetEvent success = new AutoResetEvent(false);
AutoResetEvent failure = new AutoResetEvent(false);
AutoResetEvent onesSucceeded = new AutoResetEvent(false);
AutoResetEvent threesSucceeded = new AutoResetEvent(false);
AutoResetEvent sevensSucceeded = new AutoResetEvent(false);
AutoResetEvent ninesSucceeded = new AutoResetEvent(false);
BigInteger squareRootedValue = IntegerSquareRoot(value);
Thread ones = new Thread(() =>
for (BigInteger i = 11; i <= squareRootedValue; i += 10)
if (value % i == 0)
Console.WriteLine("{0} is not a prime number because it is divisible by {1}.", value, i);
Thread threes = new Thread(() =>
for (BigInteger i = 3; i <= squareRootedValue; i += 10)
if (value % i == 0)
Console.WriteLine("{0} is not a prime number because it is divisible by {1}.", value, i);
Thread sevens = new Thread(() =>
for (BigInteger i = 7; i <= squareRootedValue; i += 10)
if (value % i == 0)
Console.WriteLine("{0} is not a prime number because it is divisible by {1}.", value, i);
Thread nines = new Thread(() =>
for (BigInteger i = 9; i <= squareRootedValue; i += 10)
if (value % i == 0)
Console.WriteLine("{0} is not a prime number because it is divisible by {1}.", value, i);
Thread successWaiter = new Thread(() =>
AutoResetEvent.WaitAll(new WaitHandle[] { onesSucceeded, threesSucceeded, sevensSucceeded, ninesSucceeded });
int result = AutoResetEvent.WaitAny(new WaitHandle[] { success, failure });
catch { }
catch { }
catch { }
catch { }
catch { }
if (result == 1)
return false;
Console.WriteLine("{0} is a prime number.", value);
return true;
Update: If you want to implement a solution with trial division more rapidly, you might consider having a cache of prime numbers. A number is only prime if it is not divisible by other prime numbers that are up to the value of its square root. Other than that, you might consider using the probabilistic version of the Miller-Rabin primality test to check for a number's primality if you are dealing with large enough values (taken from Rosetta Code in case the site ever goes down):
// Miller-Rabin primality test as an extension method on the BigInteger type.
// Based on the Ruby implementation on this page.
public static class BigIntegerExtensions
public static bool IsProbablePrime(this BigInteger source, int certainty)
if(source == 2 || source == 3)
return true;
if(source < 2 || source % 2 == 0)
return false;
BigInteger d = source - 1;
int s = 0;
while(d % 2 == 0)
d /= 2;
s += 1;
// There is no built-in method for generating random BigInteger values.
// Instead, random BigIntegers are constructed from randomly generated
// byte arrays of the same length as the source.
RandomNumberGenerator rng = RandomNumberGenerator.Create();
byte[] bytes = new byte[source.ToByteArray().LongLength];
BigInteger a;
for(int i = 0; i < certainty; i++)
// This may raise an exception in Mono 2.10.8 and earlier.
// http://bugzilla.xamarin.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2761
a = new BigInteger(bytes);
while(a < 2 || a >= source - 2);
BigInteger x = BigInteger.ModPow(a, d, source);
if(x == 1 || x == source - 1)
for(int r = 1; r < s; r++)
x = BigInteger.ModPow(x, 2, source);
if(x == 1)
return false;
if(x == source - 1)
if(x != source - 1)
return false;
return true;
would just like to ask if this is a correct way of checking
- yes. Maybe you wanted to ask if it is a efficient way of checking? – Ilya Ivanova
at 3 and increment it by 2 instead of 1 (and handle 2 being prime as a special case). But see here: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sieve_of_Eratosthenes – Matthew Watsonsqrt(n)
to get the primes you need for trial division, the sieving is more work than the unnecessary divisions by composites, if you avoid multiples of 2, 3, and maybe 5, if you're enterprisy. If you're sieving ton
to look up whethern
is prime in the sieve, you have an asymptotically worse algorithm (and the constant factors don't let it win for small numbers either). – Daniel Fischer