I have a boolean preference recommender based on user similarity. My data set essentially contains relations where ItemId are articles the user has decided to read. I'd like to add a second data model containing where ItemId is a subscription to a particular topic.
The only way I can imagine doing this is by merging the two together, offsetting the subscription IDs so that they don't collide with the article IDs. For weighting I considered dropping the boolean preference setup and introducing preference scores, where the articles subset has a preference score of 1 (for example) and the subscriptions subset has a preference score of 2.
I'm not sure if this would work, however, because the preference score isn't exactly analogous to the sort of weighting I'm after; they probably include some concept of lower scores representing dissatisfaction.
I have to imagine there's a better way to do this or at least that there are tweaks to my plan which would make it work more along the lines I desire.