I've tried Item based distributed Recommender Job with 10M movielens dataset. Everything works fine. My question is that, while checking out the recommendations for users, I've seen that in the recommended items list there are items that are already rated by the user. To be more specific:
Let say a user with userid:4 has watched movies with the following ids:[123,543,234,567,324], then in the recommended list again 543 and 234 are present. I just looked Mahout in Action to understand the algorithm, I could not find a code segment that eliminates already rated items before it produces TopK list. Do I miss something, or is it normal that it recommends already rated items?
If it is normal is it possible to eliminate those items from candidate items?
P.S: Filtering out the recommendations after recommendations are produced is not an efficient for my case, since number of recommendations I want is 100 and after filtering for some users this number decreases to 30 etc.
Thanks in advance.