I have a question about the meaning of the preference values in Mahout. From the book Mahout in Action it says that:
The preference value could be anything, as long as larger values mean stronger positive preferences. For instance, these values might be ratings on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 indicates items the user can’t stand, and 5 indicates favorites.
Does that mean that the recommender will always interpret the smaller values as negative preferences (not liking)?
I am trying to create a recommender where there are no negative preferences. I mean I don't have preferences at all, but I can derive them based on different weighted metrics (number of clicks/edits, amount of edit, way of edit, etc...). However, in my implementation, when a user have edited some page, that doesn't mean that the user dislikes the page, but likes it in some amount(and the strogness of liking is derived as I describe above).
I have tried using only Boolean preferences (Log-likelehood and Tanimoto similarity) but they don't perform good, and in most of the cases the they are not able to produce recommendation (in moore then 50%).
I want to take advantage of numbers to have in order to derive preferences so the recommendation will be better, but I am not sure how. I've tried having preference values derived as above from 5 to 10, and then every user have preference value of 1 for an artificial item (meaning not liking it). However I believe that this is not good approach, since this will mean that every user dislikes the same item.
Does someone has better idea how can I apply some of the user-based and item-based algorithms only having "positive" (liking) preference values?